
The big kids are at school all day today, so it's my first day at home alone with Moses. It's gone really well so far. We got some housework started, and we played with some toys. Then, we found some good videos to watch and games to play online.

We didn't watch a lot of TV with JD and Clara when they were little. But since Moses is needing to learn a new language, certain kids' shows seem really helpful. Particularly, we are loving Kipper the Dog. The pace of that show is slow and calm, a lot of the action takes place to music (so he can infer what is happening without words), and there many simple phrases spoken one at a time.

Little Bear was my favorite when the big kids were small. I can't find those programs online anywhere, so if someone knows the answer to that, I'd love to hear it.

Better run. Moses just finished his fish sticks and apples. Time for a story and nap. He just crawled up in my lap and said, "Night, night!" Haha!

Unknown  – (August 10, 2010 at 9:56 AM)  

When we're at my parents' house, "Little Bear" still comes on one one of the cable channels. Maybe Noggin? I don't know about online though,,,,

Grace's Mom  – (August 10, 2010 at 2:25 PM)  

We watch Little Bear here. It is on Nick Jr. (which used to be Noggin). It may be on the Nick Jr. website, but I'm not sure. We also watch Ni Hao, Kai Lan on Nick Jr. Which I know has videos and activities on Nick Jr. Ni Hao, Kai Lan teaches Mandarin Chinese. (You may already know this cartoon.) I would think it may help in reverse for you all. Also, a great place to get such videos cheap is at the consignment sale I mentioned on facebook earlier this week. Good luck and our prayers continue for all of you!

Anonymous –   – (August 11, 2010 at 11:09 AM)  

I have a disc you can have- mine don't watch it much and we get it free on demand!! I will get that to you soon. Little Bear is wonderful.

Rachel Ritter

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