prayer request from china.

AHHHHHH!!!!! Wal-Mart! We found Wal-Mart!!! All is right with the world!

Never mind the fact that they had roasted duck WITH the bill still on in the deli. Never mind the fact that they had seaweed pringles. Never mind that the rice cereal comes in liver and tomato flavor. We found Snickers, Skittles, socks, toothbrushes, and Listerine. We also found Bob the Builder DVD's in Chinese! :)

The walk over was incredible. I LOVE Zhengzhou!! It's all electric and clean, and there are trees and landscaping everywhere. We found a carousel with Chinese music playing. (For the rest of my life, I will think carousels should play Chinese music. It was breathtaking.)

Buildings are spaced out more here, and a massive group of young people was hanging out in the city park for a dance/concert or something. Who would have thought that in downtown China there would be 300-400 young people just hanging out for a party? It feels like downtown Lexington. Triangle Park. I'm giddy.

We are actually more foreign here than in Beijing. People were stopping on the street and saying, "Woooooah!" looking at Clara's hair. Women were unflinchingly stopping to look in my cart to see what the Americans were buying. But it's more relaxed and open here. Not as frantic.

Highlight of the evening was DEFINITELY watching the guy who had converted a rototiller into a vehicle that was capable of pulling a massive wagon. He rode it like a beefed up Harley... handlebars way up in the sky. And it was keeping up with all of the cars.

Anyway, things are brighter tonight. And I'm actually thankful that the Lord let me feel that overwhelming sensation of culture shock. I feel like that was a huge gift, because I can empathize better with Moses' transition now.

YAY!!! We get Moses TOMORROW!!! We received a paper tonight describing his personality. Apparently he is a sensitive little boy who wants to be good, so he even apologizes for the things other kids do wrong! I can't wait to see him finally!!!

I'll update pictures with all of us as soon as I can. I know you're almost as excited to see him as we are.

Thanks for praying!

P.S. JD and Clara are CRACKING ME UP. Chinese TV is full of valiant historical/mythical shows. I am trying to think of something to compare them to... maybe Star Trek + manga comics + Greek mythology + Yanni background music + MASH... all in one show. They LOVE them. They just sit and make up words to go with what they think is happening with the plot.

Leslie  – (July 18, 2010 at 7:33 PM)  

Thank you so much for writing to us. Thank you for sharing the journey with us! I tear up at every post - my heart is there with you all.

My husband, Matt just said to me "God has big plans for that little boy." To be a Chinese orphan that is a boy, to be named Moses, to be a part of your family, to have a heart that is sensitive and that 'wants to be good' (made me well up and spill over!), to have been exposed to those with physical and mental challenges at such a young age - what a blessing he is going to be. I can't wait to meet him.

Love you!

Anonymous –   – (July 19, 2010 at 7:03 AM)  

I'm a TOTAL mess of tears!!!!!!!! What BEAUTIFUL pics. There are no words for what God has done. How good it is to see you ALL together.

Hurry home! We LOVE him already!!

-Tommy, Celeste, & Ellis

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Welcome to our family’s adoption journey. As you read, you will see us stumble and take wrong paths. You will see our hopes surge and fall. You will see the gaps in our humanity, and how our God realigns us to His purposes over and again. We think the messiness of this process is important. Sometimes walking with God isn’t a neat, linear package that can be summarized in bullet points. More often, life ebbs and flows around our plans, while God works His sovereign wonders from it all. We are learning so much through this journey. And we are super excited about our new son. If you’d like to join us, we’d love to have you along for the ride.
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