huge prayer request

I wasn't going to blog about this, because I didn't want my family to worry. But then I realized Mom is probably checking the Weather Channel, regardless.

So, here's the situation. There was a tropical storm that landed in South East China yesterday. If you look at the weather map, there's really no way to get from Zhengzhou to Guangzhou without going through some residual storms.

We checked into taking a train instead, and we are still looking at that. But traveling 15 hours on a train through potentially flooded land and wind storms has its own dangers, especially considering the fact that we would not have a translator, and we would be travelling with an Asian child. This could cause suspicion, with no way to explain the truth of what we are doing.
We thought about waiting a few days to fly. But it is looking like children over the age of two must have a TB test tomorrow so that the results can appear before the consulate appointment. We are also checking on alternatives for that.

From what we have heard, the main force of the storm has lessened some since last night. And our Chinese guides are keeping an eye on the situation, trying to make the best decision considering all factors.

This is sort of a "Going on a Bear Hunt" situation. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. We have to go through it.

Your prayers for wisdom and protection would really be appreciated. Surely the Lord who has brought us this far has a perfect plan for the rest of our trip. But flying is really tough for me on a good day. (Translation: I would rather eat live cockroaches.) So I'm going to need strength and courage that is beyond my own resources. I need to be a strong, calm mommy because this will be Moses' first flight and he is very energetic today.

Meanwhile, JD is watching Chinese MTV. (It's more romantic music than wild rock here.) A Chinese Robin (yes, from Batman and Robin) is trying to woo a girl with a white chihuahua. I feel like David after the dentist. Is this real life? :) Oh boy.

We love you all. Thanks for your prayers. God is so good. Colosians 1:17 has taken on a gritty, meaty, tactile meaning for me over the past week. I'm grateful that He is so close.

Much love,

Lisa L  – (July 23, 2010 at 9:39 PM)  

Praying for you. I seriously think that Moses may be the cutest kid in China. Unfortunately for you, God makes 'em really cute for a reason. ;) I had to laugh at the David comment. We speak of David here like he is one of the family, also. 'Is it going be like this forever?'

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