nice to meet you forever

This stage of the adoption process is difficult to describe. Practically, there are hundreds of logistic details to juggle. We are collecting tons of forms, finding hotel rooms, packing for a plethora of possible medical and relational emergencies, cramming lessons in foreign etiquette and language, and trying to make sure the home front is stabilized during our absence.

Emotionally, it reminds me of that feeling you get when you've just been locked into a roller coaster you've been waiting all day to ride. Suddenly you realize there's no turning back. You can't WAIT for the thrill, but your stomach still drops, and you're holding your breath, wondering if you can really handle it.

Very little about the world we are about to meet will be familiar. There will be so many factors I can't control. I find myself rehearsing a list of mental reminders like a baseball player working through his pre-bat routine. Don't rinse your toothbrush in the water. Don't eat the fresh vegetables. Don't get mosquito bites. (Yeah, right!) But the reality is, no matter how hard I try to make this journey predictable, it isn't. There's no way for me to plan for everything that could happen. This is a reality every day of my life, but I feel the truth of it more now. We are utterly dependent upon the Lord.

Everyone else is sleeping here, but I'm relishing a few fleeting minutes of privacy, listening to the crickets singing outside. I wonder if Moses has ever heard crickets before? That thought quiets me. The hope of teaching a little boy the music of peaceful evenings.

Over the past few days, I've really been debating about what might be the least frightening way for him to meet us. I've heard that food is more important to orphans than toys. So, I thought about having some animal crackers ready for our gotcha moment. I've wondered if it might be wise to kneel down, so that we wouldn't seem too big. I've thought about holding Clara in our laps, so he could see children are safe with us.

How do you meet someone for the first time forever? And even if we knew the perfect way to do it, will we have the self control not to overwhelm him with the emotions of the moment? The full force of that excitement might scare a kid half to death! Lord, please prepare our little boy for the massive change about to happen. Please help him sense our love, and not be afraid. Help us to keep his best interest at the forefront of our minds, and operate with gentleness and sensitivity.

Oh, my eyes are closing. I think bed is calling. I'll try to finish this post tomorrow...

Jessica  – (July 11, 2010 at 11:31 AM)  

Magnatiles. Take him magnatiles. Not for the first meeting but for later--in the hotel or on the flight home. They're great and simple. Plastic tiles (squares and triangles) that have magnets on the edges so you can build with them. They're basic enough for any development level and do not require a lot of direction. If you want a set for Moses, I am willing to buy and donate some. Just e-mail me at

As for food...little milk jugs of Goldfish from Target and jelly beans are also great "kid grabbers".

Anonymous –   – (July 11, 2010 at 6:09 PM)  

Rebecca, I took Animal Crackers with me when we picked up Zach. I gave him each and every cracker he ate with my hand. I vote Animal Crackers are great. (Goldfish are good, too!)

-Rach R

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Welcome to our family’s adoption journey. As you read, you will see us stumble and take wrong paths. You will see our hopes surge and fall. You will see the gaps in our humanity, and how our God realigns us to His purposes over and again. We think the messiness of this process is important. Sometimes walking with God isn’t a neat, linear package that can be summarized in bullet points. More often, life ebbs and flows around our plans, while God works His sovereign wonders from it all. We are learning so much through this journey. And we are super excited about our new son. If you’d like to join us, we’d love to have you along for the ride.
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