normal day

Nothing extraordinary to post.

The library was fun. Returning to Cynthia Rylant through child #3, and her writing is every single bit as wonderful as I had remembered. Two favorite quotes of the day:

"These are kittens," he [Mr. Putter] said. "I was hoping for a cat."

"No one wants cats, sir," said the pet store lady. "They are not cute. They are not peppy."

Mr. Putter himself had not been cute and peppy for a very long time. He said, "I want a cat."

And another one...

Tabby loved Mr. Putter's tulips. She was old, and beautiful things meant more to her.

The sun was bright today, and Moses noticed his shadow on black asphalt for what might have been the first time. (I wonder if the smog in China prevented strong shadows?) Anyway, he SHOUTED and started pointing at it! "Look Mama! Jun Jun! Jun Jun!" then, "Blah, blah, blah, blah," (really fast toddler Chinese). He was amazed that our shapes were made so perfectly on the ground. It was like it was some fabulous wonder instead of something ordinary. And maybe he was right. Soooo cute.

Got some books to read for myself. That library never seems to have the books on my "seeking" list, but I DID find some Faulkner and Flannery O'Conner. I'm thinking about declaring this the autumn of Southern authors. If you have favorites in that genre, I'd love to know what they are.

Better run and get dinner on the table before the boys get home...

Dana –   – (September 1, 2010 at 1:12 PM)  

Fun!! We love Mr. Putter... especially the one where he keeps tossing fruit over the fence in hopes of some yummy baked desserts from his neighbor lady friend. :)

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