'gotcha' packing.

Today I'm packing 'gotcha' trip clothes for Moses. Before starting, I spread out everything that I was thinking about taking on the bed, and it was unbelievable. Friends have passed down beautiful seconds (many of them were never even worn). I found some great sales, and Goodwill filled in some important gaps. I couldn't even fit everything on the bed to take a picture!

Obviously there are a lot more important things than clothes, but it's still really cool to think that a child who has never owned a single piece of his own clothing in his entire life will walk into a wardrobe like this. A sincere thank you to everyone who has helped us collect!

I've gathered orphanage clothing before, and it was so much fun. But this feels different. Our little boy will fill these up! We will get to see the adventures lived out in these little shirts and shorts. It makes me so happy thinking about that!

Hurry, paperwork! Hurry!!!!

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Welcome to our family’s adoption journey. As you read, you will see us stumble and take wrong paths. You will see our hopes surge and fall. You will see the gaps in our humanity, and how our God realigns us to His purposes over and again. We think the messiness of this process is important. Sometimes walking with God isn’t a neat, linear package that can be summarized in bullet points. More often, life ebbs and flows around our plans, while God works His sovereign wonders from it all. We are learning so much through this journey. And we are super excited about our new son. If you’d like to join us, we’d love to have you along for the ride.
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